Friday 25 March 2011


After hours and hours of thinking, scheming, math hammering, mentally-worked out battles and fun-scale levels, I managed to come up with a few Grey Knight lists. Then, out of curiosity, I decided to use what I'd leant make a Coteaz list and, this is where the shame comes in, I really like it.

Its so easy to get scoring bodies in metal boxes! Plus Coteaz himself has the spy network ability which allows (or forces) seize initiative re-rolls for either side. Plus the ability to shoot at any deep striking unit within 12". Add in Sanctuary power and we're talking! He's not too shabby in combat either, with 3 Str8 force weapon attack at I1 (OK he's not winning any prizes, but he ain't half bad!).

OK I've gushed enough, I won't go through the entire process, but below is the current list. Pic is related btw, there's a few Razorbacks in the list (this week's "in thing" on the GK blogosphere). Again, based on 1750 points.

Coteaz 100
Libby w/ 5 powers 175
Callidus 145
7 Purifiers w/ 1xMC-Ham, 1xHam, 5x Halberds, Rhino 235
Ven PsyAssCannon & doomfist Dread 190
5 Acolytes & 2MG in PsyBack 90
5 Acolytes & 2MG in PsyBack 90
5 Acolytes & 1MG in PsyBack 80
5 Acolytes & 1MG in PsyBack 80
3 Acolytes in Chimera 67
5 Terms w/psyC 225
Heavy Support
Psyfleman 135
Psyfleman 135

HOKAY! In case any of you are wondering, those PsyBacks are Standard Razorabacks (Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters) with psybolt upgrades weighing in at 50 points. 3 twin-linked Str6 Ap4 shots at 42" effective range is ok by me!

So, the psyflemen pop some transports, the razorbacks advance into mid-field and shoot the gooey innards of said transports. The chimera holds the librarian and Terminators. The chimera, Purifer Rhino (with coteaz in) and ven dreadnought all advance up behind the psybacks, the libby constantly casting shrouding for all the vehicles, and the ven dread causing any psychic powers aimed at the group to be cast at -4 leadership thanks to that reinforced aegis. (Its very fun watching psykers try to cast on Ld 6!) If any powers do go off, the libby will have a chance to null them with his hood.

So the army holds the mid-field shooting everything up, enemy tanks and Heavy infantry are loath to come near because every Razorback has meltaguns inside it (even if they are BS3). Also 2 hard core combat units ready for counter charges.

Callidus is there for taking out annoying enemy Devastator squads or the like.

Thoughts and comments?

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