Friday, 20 May 2011

Catch Up: Current Events & Future Plans

Firstly to the "Hot Topic" of GW price hikes. Yes I've seen the list of pricing changes. Yes some models have increase 25% in price. Yes I'll still be playing the hobby and spending an unhealthy amount of money on my plastic crack.

Every year Games Workshop up their prices. It's very annoying but from a business standpoints I can see why they do it. The thing which semi annoys me this year is not just that it's one of their largest price hikes to date, yet that mixed with the fact they they either think their customer base is too stupid to realise they've moved to cheaper resin models; or they respect us so little they think it won't matter and we'll continue to buy their models despite the slap in the face. The part which really annoys me; they're right.

[Ed - and don't even get me started on their new outside Europe sales policies]
Now that's out the way I can continue the rest of my post completely without irony (ahem).

New army lists!

In my previous post I noted how I wanted to shift up my army to include some of the more interesting models. I toiled for hours trying to make terminators fit in 1750 point lists with purifiers, to throw in henchmen squads where they wouldn't get picked out as an only target and squished. It was even harder to come up with a combined list which still had the ranged firepower to support any advancing army (I'm looking at you psyflemen!) Heck I even wanted to fit in 3 stormravens!

Eventually I gave up. I wanted henchmen and terminators? I would make a dedicated list for both! Then in the future I'll have all the models I want to mix and match to my heart's content. 

So, here are two basic lists for starters:

Xenos Inq. w/psyker&HH, power armour, rad, psycotroke, 3 skulls 102
Xenos Inq. w/psyker&HH, power armour, rad, psycotroke, 3 skulls 102
Techmarine w/ rad, psycotroke, 3 skulls 115
Callidus 145
10 Termies w/ 2 psycannons 450
10 Termies w/ 2 psycannons 450
5 Termies w/ 5 falchions 225
Heavy Support
Dreadknight w/ Hv. Incinerator 160

So, that's 3 - 5 scoring depending on the missions, everything will start in reserve, using the skulls for accurate deep strike (obviously if against combat armies, start on the board and shoot alot :P) one independent character per squad. The ICs all have rad, psycotroke and Hammer Hand. Meaning that the squad is free to be activating their force weapons. Psycotroke means I'll be hitting first most of the time, and hammer hand + rad grenades leave me wounding Meq's on a 2+. Callidus is for fun, and the Dreadknight will be a fire sink.

Well there it is, simple, and infact with more scoring men than I have in my current list!

OK, so onto my henchmen list.

Coteaz 100
Xenos Inq. 102
Techmarine 115
Callidus 145
5DCA, 5Crusaders, 2Melta 178
5DCA, 5Crusaders, 2Melta 178
5DCA, 5Crusaders, 2Melta 178
5Aco, 3 Melta, Psyback 90
5Aco, 3 Melta, Psyback 90
5Aco, 3 Melta, Psyback 90
Fast Attack
Raven 205
Raven 205
Raven 205

So, a very different list to the previous one. If you're going to run StormRavens I really believe you need to run three of them. They are massive targets, because they're new and because they are so high up it's almost impossible to hide them. Any less than three and they'll be neutralised within the first two turns. Basic tactic: Ravens steam forward first turn and try to melta that main enemy AT units. Then second turn they disgorge their units, who hack and slash their way through the primary targets. The 3 other troop units hang in mid/back fields, holding objectives or poping mid-field transports where appropriate. After disgorging their cargo, the ravens become effective fire support, hopefully with a wealth of rear armour to take a pop at. 

Two fairly simple (yet hopefully very fun and diverse) lists. After I have each I will then my entire collection will be sitting comfortably over 5000 points, and I'll be able to field almost any army of my choosing.

The question now is, how to get 15 Death Cult assassins and 15 Crusaders? It would cost around £100 to buy the official models, and there's only 2 variation of each, so my army would look extremely dull (not to mention the dullness of painting them all!). So I need a way to convert up my models using official GW parts (we want it tournament legal after all!).

After alot of browsing an thought I came up with a brilliant (yes I do say so myelf) conversion idea for crusaders. I think Inquisitors work in a very feudal fashion, and so I'm quite willing for my henchmen to look like indentured servants. So:

1) Take one box of Bretonian Men-at-Arms.
2) Place Inquisitor Symbols on their shields (paint if you're good enough, I'll be using Forge World brass).
3) Replace head with left of helmet-less Grey Knight heads.
4) Replace right have spear/sword with left over Nemesis Falchion. 

And there we go, ~15 Crusaders for under £20! 

Death Cult assassins are much simpler! Everyone and their mother are currently converting DE Wytches. Personally I'm not a fan. Mine will be based around Fantasy Dark Elf Corsairs! All that needs doing is replacing the heads! Again, ~15 models for under £20!

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